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When we really need to unwind after an unusually long hard day or are looking to soothe our aching muscles we take a milk bath. Toss one of these tea bags into your tub or hang one under your faucet while filling to enjoy a relaxing epsom salt, oatmeal, and milk bath. Try all three of our natural add-ins:real lavender bits and essential oil, real rose petals and essential oil, or real violet petals with Hyacinth essential oil. Each package comes with two tea bags and can be used up to three times each if dried well between uses. These also make a cute addition to a spa day gift basket!

Milk and Oatmeal Tub Teas

  • Allow to air dry between uses to get the most out of your tea bags.

  • Product comes as a set of two tea bags for a total of up to six bath uses.

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