Handcrafted Evergreen Wreaths
A Maine Tradition
Christmas Wreaths
Though life long Mainers, our family did not have any first hand experience with wreath making until we attempted our very first wreath in November of 2020. With the COVID 19 pandemic in full swing we were looking for a way to create some Christmas cheer, and began making wreaths for friends and family who encouraged us to try selling a few in our new farm store. In that very first season we created and sold over fifty wreaths. In 2021, through the connection of friends in our home town, we found fellow farmers who were looking to sell Maine made wreaths on their farm out of state and an opportunity for wholesaling wreaths developed. The demand for our wreaths has continued to grow with production numbers doubling annually. The creation of Christmas wreaths has become one of the largest and most enjoyable facets of our farm business and is now allowing us to share our holiday spirit with others well beyond our local community.
Wreath production on our farm begins in November with wreaths being available for purchase starting in the third week and lasting through the Christmas season. Some of our wreaths and seasonal items are available on our online farm store, however due to the size and range of our products much more is available onsite. If you are local please stop by and check us out. Larger or custom orders are available but we ask for two weeks advance notice prior to your desired pick up date.
Our Farm
As demand for wreaths grew, our goal was to be able to source our greenery entirely on our farm property, thus ensuring access to the highest quality materials possible for our products. We realized early on that our tree management practices would play an important role in our ability to meet our current and future business needs. Despite the growth in production and consequent additional harvesting, through careful care and selective hand pruning, our trees are now healthier than ever. In an effort to keep our farm sustainable and environmentally friendly, we employ as many natural and organic methods as possible. One of the ways that we achieve this is by grazing our herd of cattle through our evergreen lots as needed to control the growth of brush and hinder the emergence of hardwood trees that would compete for sunlight and nutrients. We have found that our cattle do not enjoy partaking of the fir and spruce boughs but do a wonderful job of keeping the area trimmed and accessible while also providing fertilization. This not only eliminates the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers; it also provides our cattle with a more varied diet while the trees are able to protect them from insects and provide them with natural shade in the heat of summer. While we have no idea what the future holds, at this time our lots are able to meet and exceed our needs and should be able to do so for many years to come.
Our Farmily
Even though we are handling a greater number of wreaths than we ever imagined possible, our workforce at this time consists of family members only. This means that 100% of our seasonal greenery products are crafted by hand by the same folks whose passion and dedication built this farm from the ground up. Four generations of Bellarose Farmers from our oldest to our newest members, have had a hand in the creation of every product that leaves this farm. We would like extend our gratitude to each and everyone who has and continues to support our business and given us the opportunity to serve you. We look forward doing so for many years to come and hope that our products bring to others even a small portion of the enjoyment that we find in creating them.